Friday, June 12, 2009

Shuttle Endeavour fueled up for liftoff

Friday, June 12, 2009

The rotating service structure is rolled back from the shuttle Endeavour on Friday at Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, in preparation for Saturday's scheduled launch. An oxygen vent hood known as the "beanie cap" is positioned on top of its fuel tank.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - NASA fueled up the space shuttle Endeavour for its scheduled Saturday morning launch to the international space station.
Forecasters said there was a 90 percent chance of favorable weather for launch, which was set for 7:17 a.m. ET, less than an hour after sunrise.
Endeavour and its crew will deliver the final segment of Japan's huge space station lab, along with some spare parts for the orbiting outpost and more than 600 pounds of food for the six men living at the orbiting outpost.

When Endeavour pulls up, there will be 13 people together in orbit for the first time.
Of the seven shuttle astronauts, only one is a woman, a Canadian. The rest of the crew are U.S. citizens. On board the space station, the crew is more international. The six occupants, all men, represent Belgium, Canada, Japan, Russia and the United States.
"It's like having your family descend on you for the holidays, right? And they're going to stay for a very long time when they come and they're bringing all their stuff," observed Mike Moses, chairman of NASA's mission management team.
Endeavour and its crew will spend 11½ days at the space station. Five spacewalks are planned.
"These crews have trained together quite a bit. They knew that they were going to be overlapping ... so they've gotten some good relationships with each other," Moses said Thursday.
The shuttle's arrival comes at a particularly busy time for the space station. The station crew doubled in size late last month; that's taken some adjustment for everyone involved. Then just a week ago, two of the crew went out on a spacewalk. Earlier this week, the two put their spacesuits back on and went into the air lock to work on a docking hatch.
NASA is pushing to launch Endeavour now because of the tight lineup of shuttle flights over the next one and a half years. The space agency is under presidential direction to retire its three remaining shuttles and complete the station by the end of 2010 if possible.

Eight shuttle missions remain, including Endeavour's upcoming trip. Each one is dedicated to finishing the station, currently 81 percent complete, and hauling up supplies, spare parts and experiments.
The space station will be supplied over the long haul by unmanned Russian, European and Japanese craft, but none as big as the shuttle. That's why NASA needs to deliver large spare parts now, while the shuttles are still flying.
Until NASA's new spaceship is ready to carry passengers — which isn't expected to happen before 2015 — U.S. astronauts will hitch rides back and forth on the cramped Russian Soyuz spacecraft for up to $51 million a person.


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